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Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer School 2012

The next few posts are going to be about summer school that ran from July 9-August 2, 2012. I was asked, along with a fellow teacher, Mrs. K, to teach this years tutoring session. The kids' summer session was scheduled Monday through Thursday from 8-11:30, but Mrs. K and I would be there from before 7:30 to after 1 on a regular basis. The idea for our session was to target those who we wanted to either prevent a summer slide or bump up their F/P reading level. We also hit math pretty hard with both time and money (and other concepts, as well) since those are always challenging for the kids.

Each week we had a different theme:
Week 1: Animals
Week 2: Water
Week 3: Food
Week 4: Sports

With each of these themes, we tried to get fun, yet educational activities that related to either our reading strategy or a math concept.

Somethings we made up on our own, and others we borrowed from some fabulous teachers across the internet. I will mark each idea clearly and link to any borrowed ideas, if you would like to use them as well!


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